
St. Michael's Learning Academy is a private high school that is Nationally Accredited. Students earn their High School Diploma and graduate faster.  There is no need to repeat previously passed courses and their are NO STAAR or TAKS requirements.  All classes are small and have experienced faculty.  Bring a copy of your transcript and a complimentary evaluation will be provided for you. Call 713-977-0566 for more information on how you can move on to your next opportunity in life. Summer Credit Recovery Program grades 9-12 is being offered June 4- 29 and again July 9 - August 3, 2018 (Monday - Friday). Computers and certified teachers are provided. In addition, St. Michael's also provides local training for SAP and PMP for your next career opportunity. Please also visit or email: for more information on how you can complete your high school diploma or attend the START STEM Summer events.

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